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Paul Michael

Paul Michael is a printmaker, draftsman, and video artist based in Connecticut. His work reflects the connection and isolation felt when human interactions are mediated through technology. Recent exhibitions include The 2023 Printmaking Exhibition at Five Points Gallery, Torrington, C.T., Video Lounge at URSA Gallery, Bridgeport, C.T., Heads/Tails at Atlantic Gallery, N.Y., Froth at Jill Krutick Fine Art, Mamanoreck, N.Y., The 13th Biennial Mini Print Exhibition at the Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, Conn., Sour Milk at the William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, Conn., Fortune 501 through Sit Still Projects, online, Fan Culture at the CICA Museum, South Korea, and The Newport Annual at the Newport Art Museum, R.I. Michael is an instructor at Hartford Art School, Lyme Academy of Art, University of Connecticut, and the gallery manager at the Lyme Art Association.