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Our Sponsors Keep Us Going

Our sponsors & supporters mean so much.
Thank you to all the organizations who continue to support our mission of creating art & community. Especially during this year of challenge and uncertainty, the donations and encouragement from these organizations means more than ever. Not just because their dollars are helping GAC continue to provide services in a time of severely diminished income; but also because this year has made us even more keenly aware of our precious community connections.  Thank you to our sponsors for helping bring the benefits of the arts to our all in our community. 
We’ve been here for over 50 years, and plan to continue to serve for 50++++ more!
Eder Bros.
Monte Financial Group
The Stone Agency
Bailey Scarano
East River Energy
Ladd Capital Management
Page Hardware
Shoreline Financial Advisors
William Pitt Sothebys
Are you interested in GAC sponsorship information for your organization? We have all the information about levels and benefits here. Questions? Contact GAC Executive Director, Maureen Belden, at