Update on our Mask-Wearing Policy
We’re Expanding Class Sizes for Summer!
In preparation for the summer season, GAC has been carefully reviewing the latest Connecticut sector orders and our guidelines on mask-wearing and social distancing indoors on our campus.
For the time being, we’ve decided to continue to require mask-wearing for all students and instructors in our school, and visitors and staff in our shop and gallery, regardless of vaccination status. Right now, we feel this is the best way to continue to emphasize the health and comfort levels of our GAC community.
If this guidance changes over the course of the summer semester, we will of course be in touch.
With mask-wearing in place, we can now comfortably increase the numbers of students in each of our classes–good news! We’re thrilled to be able to serve a greater number of our community members.
If you were previously closed-out of a class, please try registering again, as there are many new spots opened in most of our summer classes, for both adults and children.
Thank you for your understanding, patience, and support of GAC, throughout this past year and always.