THANKS TO OUR DONORS + SPONSORS! The Center extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to its many individual and business friends and sponsors who, through their generous support, help make our programming possible.
Martha & Terry Maguire
Prospector Partners
Yale New Haven Health
Clarity Software Solutions
Eder Brothers
Guilford Radiology
Bailey Scarano
CK Architects
East River Energy
Ladd Capital Management
Monte Financial Group
Page Hardware & Appliance
Palumbo’s Automotive
Elizabeth Alcorn
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
The Guilford Foundation
Nina V. Donnelly
John & Catherine Seibyl
The Stoddard Family Foundation
Bishop’s Orchards
Rise Daniels
State of Connecticut Department of Economic Development
Julia Bogardus
Kip Bowman
Valerie Cook
Davis Family Fund
Vivika DeNegre
Kristen & Johan Eveland
Mischa Frusztajer & Edina Torgyekes
Joseph & Cindy Goldberg
Richard & Yvette Howard
Amy & David Jaffe
Jane Kammerer
Ted & Lisa Lovejoy
Terry & Martha Maguire
Wendi Parson
Alicia Pena
Dieter & Veronica Soell
Allan Starr
Cyndi & Rick Tuchman
David Bailey
Nancy & David Bass
Dorothy Cochrane/Watering Pond Foundation
Wendy Davis
Stephanie Donegan Dietz
Sallie Gouverneur
Guilford Newcomers Club
Richard & Nadine Jerbi
Amy Lipper McCauley
Michele & Robert Millham
Robert & Martha Monte
Robert Parrott & Anita Griffith
Aaron Tessler
Anne Afragola
Constance & David D’Atri
Pamela DeMaio
Rebecca Hoblin
Denise Isaac
Nina Rose
Judith Anne Young
Many thanks to the volunteers who give so generously of their time to support the
GUILFORD ART CENTER throughout the year. You help make GAC a vital part of the community!
This list reflects our most accurate assessment of giving in the past fiscal year. We apologize for any mistakes or oversights and ask that you contact Maureen Belden at to make any corrections. Thank you.