
GAC strives for our campus to be accessible, so that visitors and students can most enjoy their time with us. Our buildings are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and include wide doorways, ramps, and accessible restrooms. We welcome service animals. Please note that our building does not have handicapped door buttons.

Below is a list of other ways we hope to best welcome students and visitors:

In the gallery and shop:
• Enhanced lighting upon request
• Seating available
• Verbal tours upon request
• ASL tours upon request
• Sensory-friendly/private tours upon request/suggestions on quiet times to attend

In the School:
• Accommodations for learning and social differences
• Volunteer assistance upon request
• Sensory breaks during classes
• Private lessons
• Ability to modify art materials/adjust equipment

We appreciate all additional suggestions and are happy to try to help with questions or ideas that are not listed here. GAC is committed to continuous improvements and updates. Please contact Maureen Belden, Executive Director: