Ceramics Art Class at GAC

Ceramic Sculpture
Instructor: Lisa Wolkow
Medium: Ceramics
Adult Class
adult with experience
January 08 - February 26
Wednesday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

For experienced students who would like to work sculpturally in clay, taking full advantage of everything that a ceramics studio can offer. Students will be introduced to ways of experimenting, working and thinking as sculptors, as well as techniques for constructing forms, building surfaces and firing. Students with a background in wheel work may want to explore hand building skills in conjunction with thrown forms.

Fee payable with tuition: $30
Tuition: $360.00
Members: $324.00
Ceramic Sculpture
Adult Class
Instructor: Lisa Wolkow
January 08 - February 26
Wednesday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Tuition: $360.00
Members: $324.00