Craft Expo: Volunteer Opportunities

The success of Craft Expo, Guilford Art Center’s longest running and largest event is due in part to the hundreds of volunteers who help with the operation of the show each year. Volunteers are asked to give a minimum of 3 hours of their time and in return will receive free entrance to the show for all three days.

To sign up to volunteer for Craft Expo, please contact Maureen Belden, email, 203-453-5947.


Gate Volunteer: This job will keep you busy and is one of the most fun and important tasks at the event. You will greet each customer, take admission, make change, collect coupons, give programs, and answer any questions they might have. You also will send people to the GAC HQ table for membership sales and renewals, show visitors how to orient themselves with the map of the grounds, or direct them to the Rest Rooms or Food Court. You will stamp the hands of guests who wish to re-enter the show. There will be a notebook with complete instructions at the gate.

Silent Auction Volunteer: You will be helping to run the Silent Auction, with tasks including gathering donations from exhibitors, filling out bidding forms, setting up display, showing visitors how to sign up for a bidding number, and closing-out the auction for the day. You will be working inside a tent; further instructions will be provided.

“Artist Ally”/Booth Relief: This is a great shift for someone who loves to interact with people. You will provide booth relief exhibitors to take a 15 minute bathroom break, lunch break, etc. You are not allowed to make sales in their absence, just watch their booth and safeguard their merchandise. 

Family Art Tent: The craft tables in the Family Art Tent will be open daily during show hours. You will be helping children of all ages to create a simple art and crafts projects or supervising them in open art-making. No experience is necessary, but you will need to be able to direct small children, although their parents will also be required to stay with them.