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Flora & Fauna, a new exhibit of art quilts, at Guilford Art Center

Flora & Fauna, a new exhibit of art quilts, begins its tour of Connecticut at Guilford Art Center in February. Come view the show and meet some of the artists at a reception on Friday, February 9, 5-7pm.

The exhibit consists of 32 pieces of fiber art created by 26 members of the Connecticut Region of the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA). The pieces on display range from realistic to abstract and depict real and imagined plants and animals. Some use plants to create the images; others are created by piecing fabrics together as a form of collage or through more traditional piecing methods, and some use dyes, paints, and/or stitching.

Each work was selected, or juried into the exhibit, by Owen Sea Luckey, a Branford artist and entrepreneur with a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design. The artists range from internationally known fiber artists to first-time exhibitors and include two Guilford residents — Diane Wright and Gail Kotowski.

SAQA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote art quilts – “creative visual works that are layered and stitched or that reference this form of stitched layered structure.”SAQA has over 4000 members — artists, curators, collectors and art professionals – from all over the world; 127 of them consider Connecticut one of their artistic homes. To learn more about SAQA go to

A catalog of the Flora & Fauna exhibit will be available from Amazon.