The Art Of Orishigane Workshop

In this hands on 3 day workshop each student will learn the techniques and materials needed to make orishigane steel in small batches. Orishigane is a thousand+ year old process where Japanese swordsmiths make high carbon steel in a charcoal forge or furnace starting with iron. We will begin by building a charcoal furnace capable of […]
Teen Blacksmithing: Session C

This class will teach teen students basic forging techniques. Students will learn how to build and maintain a coal fire, and use the new skills to make several small projects such as hooks, fire pokers, and hand forged jewelry. Students will need safety glasses, leather work gloves, (welding gauntlets not needed) and should wear jeans, […]
Teen Blacksmithing: Session B

This class will teach teen students basic forging techniques. Students will learn how to build and maintain a coal fire, and use the new skills to make several small projects such as hooks, fire pokers, and hand forged jewelry. Students will need safety glasses, leather work gloves, (welding gauntlets not needed) and should wear jeans, […]
Teen Blacksmithing: Session A

This class will teach teen students basic forging techniques. Students will learn how to build and maintain a coal fire, and use the new skills to make several small projects such as hooks, fire pokers, and hand forged jewelry. Students will need safety glasses, leather work gloves, (welding gauntlets not needed) and should wear jeans, […]
The War Hammer Workshop

In this blacksmith workshop students will hot punch holes in 1 1/4" round bar, split the face of the hammer and then forge a metal spike off the back end. Heat treat and hickory handles….then some war hammer testing on a steel drum! Students will need safety glasses, dust mask or respirator, leather work gloves, […]
Introduction To Blacksmithing: Session A

Come learn the basics of forging steel in a fun and inclusive environment. Geared towards the absolute beginner, this workshop is designed to be educational and enjoyable for everyone. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you will learn techniques to build confidence in the forge. Students will shape and forge hot steel using a hammer and an […]
Introduction To Blacksmithing: Session B

Come learn the basics of forging steel in a fun and inclusive environment. Geared towards the absolute beginner, this workshop is designed to be educational and enjoyable for everyone. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you will learn techniques to build confidence in the forge. Students will shape and forge hot steel using a hammer and an […]
Introduction To Blacksmithing: Session C

Come learn the basics of forging steel in a fun and inclusive environment. Geared towards the absolute beginner, this workshop is designed to be educational and enjoyable for everyone. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you will learn techniques to build confidence in the forge. Students will shape and forge hot steel using a hammer and an […]
Making A Pukko Knife
This class will focus on the form and function of a Finnish Pukko; a traditional hunting and utility knife favored in northern Europe. Students will understand all processes including forging, grinding, heat treating, and finishing. By the end of the course, one can expect to have a complete usable blade. Students will need safety glasses, dust […]
Making A Tomahawk Workshop

Students will forge a tomahawk using the slit and drift method. The instructor will also demonstrate the wrap and weld method and explain the variations. Blacksmithing topics covered will include forming the shape of the head, drifting the eye, fitting a handle, grinding and polishing the bit, heat treating, and sharpening. Students will need safety […]