iPhone Photography-All You Need To Know

Learn to take full advantage of all the capabilities of your iPhone camera. During this class, you’ll learn the tips and tricks of iPhone photography and how to make the most of your phone’s camera, starting with photography basics; focus control and exposure. Composition and creativity will be discussed too. No experience necessary! Students should […]

iPhone Photography: The Next Level

Start using your iPhone camera to make, instead of take, pictures. In this workshop we will use the functions of the native iPhone to create still-lifes, look for landscape opportunities and consider the macro world in addition to abstraction. Using the built-in editing functions as well as some apps, participants will craft photographs for a […]

Cyanotype: Printing with Light

Cyanotype is an eco-friendly, non-toxic, iron-based photographic process which yields a deep blue color. In this workshop, participants will use UV light to explore both the traditional method using found objects, natural materials and/or negatives (film or digital), and the wet cyanotype method which produces unexpected and surprising results. Coating methods, chemistry safety and history […]

Introduction To Digital Photography

Introduction To Digital Photography Adult Class

Learn about digital camera settings and how to use them to best express your personal creativity. Through demonstrations, assignments, and critiques, students will develop the techniques that allow them to transition from taking photographs to making them. (This is NOT a Photoshop class.) The goal is to get the most from your digital camera and develop your […]