More than 100 Connecticut Artists featured in Guilford Art League’s 76th Annual Juried Exhibit at GAC

The Guilford Art League presents its 76th Annual Juried Exhibit & Sale on view at The Gallery at Guilford Art Center through Saturday, September 28. There will be an Opening Reception on Friday, September 13, 5-7 pm, and a Show Critique by juror Lady McCrady, Wednesday, September 18, 6:00 p.m.

For a unique perspective on the show, be sure to attend ”The Poetry of Art: The Art of Poetry,” an ekphrastic poetry event, organized by GAL member Ed Lent and The Ekphrastic Poetry Trust on Sunday, September 15 from 2–3:30.

Juried by Alexa MacCrady, the show features more than 100 Connecticut artists working in all media including oils, watercolor, pastels, acrylics, sculpture, collage, mixed media, printmaking, and photography.

This year, First Prize went to Aspasia Patti Anos for Zephyr. Second Prize was awarded to Rosemary Cotnoirfor Flowing River, and Third Prize went to Jean Farrel Milesfor her work Forest. The Sculpture Prize went to Thomas Stavovyfor Figure, Knee to Chin. The show also includes the following award winners: Alice Hayden Memorial Award, Sylvia Bicki Catlin, Chief Buffalo Bull’s Back Fat, Wall Street Gallery Award, Nancy Bass, Beach Bunny , Clark Family Award, Linda Tutschulte, Tacking , Clark Family Award, Wendy Kohli, Wonder Land , Chet Jedziniak Memorial Award, Helen Cantrell, Hudson River Westwards , Virginia Jedziniak Award, Liz Egan, One Day–Me , Local Eateries Award, Linda Thomas, Treasure in the Stream, Weiss Family, Yevgenia Wayne, The Fire–Fourth of Four Elements.

The annual GAL opening is my favorite Art party of the year,” said MacCrady. “As an avid viewer and former participant, I am honored to jury this year’s selection from 254 entries. This is a serious era in American history-herstory. I chose art that reflects the ways contemporary artists are thinking and working.”

Many of the pieces in the show are for sale. A complete list of items can be found in the show program, available at the Gallery and on the GAL website, Those interested in purchasing art may speak with a gallery sitter or contact Brooke Sheldon, 203-745-7803, or Sheila Kaczmarek, 203-645-8827,

The 76th Annual Juried Exhibit & Sale, free and open to the public, is on view at the Guilford Art Center Gallery, located at 411 Church Street, Route 77 in Guilford. Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday 10am – 4pm, Sunday 12 – 4pm.