Mixed Media Art Class at GAC

April Vacation: Make a Nature Treasure Box
Instructor: Carole Firth
Medium: Mixed Media
Youth Workshop
Ages 6+
April 16
Wednesday, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Create all things spring in our April mini sessions. Children will have a chance to go
outside to collect natural materials such as flowers, moss and leaves and incorporate them
into their artworks. Make ethereal butterflies and birds with real flowers, magic wands
with real branches, treasure boxes with ferns and shells, castles, fairy houses and gardens
with painted stones, sticks, grass and clay and magic windows with moss, leaves and
wood. Come to one or all nature craft sessions and enjoy the new sunny season as we
create, play and explore! Please bring a small snack and water bottle. Fee payable with
tuition $18.00

Fee payable with tuition: $18
Tuition: $45.00
Members: $40.50
April Vacation: Make a Nature Treasure Box
Youth Workshop
Instructor: Carole Firth
April 16
Wednesday, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Tuition: $45.00
Members: $40.50