Metals and Jewelry Art Class at GAC

Fun With Metal: Session B 7/21-25
Instructor: Connie Pfeiffer
Youth Class
open to ages 9-12
July 21 - July 25
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Come work in the metalsmithing studio and stamp, hammer, fold, bend, cut, twist, shape, and heat metal to make jewelry and mini sculpture. Students will play with copper and brass sheet metal and wire to create 2 and 3 dimensional objects and forms from nature to wear or hang. Explore using basic hand tools, such as, hammers, mallets, saws, cutters, files, pliers, and torches (one-on-one with instructor) to have fun with metal!

Fee payable with tuition: $10
Tuition: $240.00
Members: $216.00
Fun With Metal: Session B 7/21-25
Youth Class
Instructor: Connie Pfeiffer
July 21 - July 25
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tuition: $240.00
Members: $216.00