Mixed Media Art Class at GAC

Splish, Splash, Splatter 6/23-27 Week 1
Instructor: Renee Soares
Medium: Mixed Media
Youth Class
open to ages 5-7
June 23 - June 27
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Explore the magical world of color and form as we create abstract works of art using liquid watercolors and mixed media. We will engage in a variety of painting techniques such as splatter, finger, dot, sponge painting and everyone’s favorite shaving cream and watercolor process. Projects will include paper mâché masks, tie dye t-shirts, windsocks, paper wall hangings and more.

Fee payable with tuition: $15
Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50
Splish, Splash, Splatter 6/23-27 Week 1
Youth Class
Instructor: Renee Soares
June 23 - June 27
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50