Mixed Media Art Class at GAC

Your Favorite Book Characters 7/7-11 Week 3
Instructor: Lexa McCrady
Medium: Mixed Media
Youth Class
open to ages 8-12
July 07 - July 11
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Think of the books you love. Who are the best characters? You can make them out of clay. What do they like to do and where does all the action happen? You can paint a cardboard mural of where they live, and the places they go. What are the vehicles, buildings and machines of their magic worlds? We have all the materials for all the fun.

Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50
Your Favorite Book Characters 7/7-11 Week 3
Youth Class
Instructor: Lexa McCrady
July 07 - July 11
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50