All that glitters IS gold (and silver, and Stony Creek granite too!)
Workshops This Week Register now for a range of workshops held in person and online this week! Watercolor Painting Inspired by the Masters 2 Fridays, October 15 & 22 – ONLINE 10:00am-1:00pm Instructor: Marcy La Bella There is much to be learned from the great masters at any level in […]
Soup for Good TO GO Tickets Available Now

Ticketing is now open for our popular Soup for Good TO GO event, scheduled for Sunday, November 21. This events provides crucial support for Guilford Art Center and the Guilford Food Bank. Tickets are $40 per person and a bowl, plus a choice of 3 homemade soups, bread, a split of wine, and […]
Forging Ahead & Ready to Party

October Blacksmithing Workshops Did you know that Guilford Art Center operates one of the largest working/teaching forges in Connecticut and the Northeast? And that it’s open to students of all levels and abilities? Come take a class or workshop in the fully-equipped forge and explore blacksmithing, swordsmithing, bladesmithing and metalworking. The atmosphere is relaxed […]
You’re Invited to the GAL Opening Reception Tonight

Tonight in the Gallery! Opening Reception for the Guilford Art League Gallery Exhibit The community is invited to join the Guilford Art League tonight from 6-8pm to celebrate the opening of the 73rd Annual Juried Exhibit & Sale on view in the gallery. Enjoy beverages, live music, and award presentations. Juried […]
7 Kids Classes That Start Next Week

Youth Programs for Fall We have lots of after school programs and weekend workshops for kids and teens this fall. Many begin next week, so take a look and register soon so you don’t miss out! Kids classes that start next week Upcycling (ages 5+) 8 Mondays begins September […]
Guilford Art League Exhibits New Work in Gallery Show at GAC

The Guilford Art League presents its 73rd Annual Juried Exhibit & Sale on view at The Gallery at Guilford Art Center from Monday, September 13 – Saturday, October 2. Juried by Lenny Moskowitz, the colorful and eclectic show features more than 100 Connecticut artists working in all media including oils, watercolor, pastels, acrylics, sculpture, collage, […]
Fall Events, Online Painting Classes, Guilford Art League, New Jewelry in the Shop
Creating Art & Community: This is what we stand for at GAC But especially throughout the past year, this catchy “tagline” has taken on greater resonance. Despite all of the challenges of distancing and loss, we’ve learned that we can still stay connected. More than ever we we’ve been reminded that art can bring […]
Find Extraordinary Gifts at Guilford Art Center’s Holiday Shop

Guilford Art Center announces the opening of its annual holiday shopping event which takes place November 1, 2021 through January 9, 2022. The Shop at Guilford Art Center doubles in size, filling the shop and gallery with extraordinary work from over 200 American artists, makers and designers. Gift categories include ceramics, pottery, glass, jewelry, homewares, […]
The Bowls are Back at Guilford Art Center’s “Soup for Good TO GO” Fundraiser Event

The bowls are back! Guilford Art Center is happy to announce that its popular fundraiser, Soup for Good TO GO, is back this year and scheduled for Sunday, November 21. Guests can come to GAC and pick up a delicious meal “to go”, as well as select a handmade ceramic bowl created by GAC potters. […]
We’ve Got the Blues (but in a good way)

New Fiber Workshops Focus on Indigo In addition to all of the sewing and textile printing classes we normally offer, we’re rolling out some new workshops that dig deeper into the magical world of blue. Blue Alchemy Workshop Saturday-Sunday, October 2-3, 10:00am-3:00pm Building on already existing knowledge of the indigo vat and dyeing process, lovers […]