Painting Art Class at GAC

Drawing & Painting The Earth, Sky & Ocean 7/28-8/1 Week 6
Instructor: Alice Chittenden
Medium: Painting, Drawing
Youth Class
open to ages 8-12
July 28 - August 01
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

In this class students will use a variety of materials (watercolor paints, oil pastels and markers) in an exploration of our earth. We will create drawings and paintings using techniques specific to the various materials. Students may use teacher suggestions as a starting point or pursue their own ideas. There will be at least one three-dimensional project. The instructor will have numerous books on hand to spark your imagination. Our project for the last day will be a surprise!

Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50
Drawing & Painting The Earth, Sky & Ocean 7/28-8/1 Week 6
Youth Class
Instructor: Alice Chittenden
July 28 - August 01
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tuition: $225.00
Members: $202.50