Guilford Art Center Offers Creative Opportunities for All Ages This Summer

Summertime is creative time at GAC! Registration is now open for all summer art classes and programs for youth and adults at Guilford Art Center. The GAC website features downloadable catalogs, as well as online search options to explore all class offerings and to register. Classes for adults begin the week of June 26. Workshops […]

Adult Summer Catalog & Registration Schedule Starting Today

The catalog for Summer Adult Classes & Workshops is now available! Check out what we have planned for all ages this summer. You can download our adult catalog and youth catalog here. SCHEDULE OF REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER ADULT Monday, May 15 at 10am: METALS CLASSES (TODAY) Tuesday, May 16 at 10am: WEAVING CLASSES Wednesday, May […]

Summer Adult Registration Schedule, Shop Sale, Youth Summer, Support THX

Summer Adult Semester Registration Opens Next Week We just uploaded all the new classes and workshops for adults for summer! We’re finalizing the PDF of the catalog and hope to have that on the website before Monday. In the meantime, you can search all of our classes here. Schedule of Registration for Summer Adult Monday, […]

Guilford Art Center Hosts Teen Art Exhibit, “The Third Place”

Opening Reception, Friday, May 26, 5-7pm. Free and open to the community The Guilford High School Teen Art Club, in conjunction with Guilford Art Center, are presenting an exhibition on May 26 – June 11 highlighting the work and creativity of local teen artists. This exhibition, called The Third Place, will embrace the concept that […]

Register Now! Wednesday & Weekend Workshops

Classes & Workshops Starting This Week/Weekend REGISTER NOW SPRING INTO EXPRESSIVE ART & WRITING 4 Wednesdays beginning May 10,10:00am-12:00pm Use imaginative prompts, exercises and art materials to recharge your creativity and experience the joy of writing and drawing from the intuitive, imagistic right-side of brain. Using creative arts to process and express thoughts and feelings […]

Shop Sale: Save Up to 40% this Weekend

We’ve been spring cleaning! We’re making room on our shop shelves from new items. We have tables full of beautiful things marked up to 40% off – jewelry, accessories, ceramics, glass items, wood, stationery, and lots more. The sale will run through the weekend. The Shop is open today 10am-4pm and Sunday 12-4pm. All sales […]

Guilford Art League Hosts Annual Carry-in Supper for Local Artists at GAC

Please join the Guilford Art League for its first Carry-in Supper since 2019! The dinner event will be held on Thursday, May 18, 5:30 pm, in the Gallery at Guilford Art Center, 411 Church Street, Guilford. It is open to all Guilford Art League members and other creatives who may be interested in joining this […]

This Weekend: HUGE Shop Sale; Variety of Workshops Open

Shop our Big Sale! Friday, Saturday & Sunday – it’s time to SAVE! We’re doing some major spring cleaning and making room for new items in our shop. We’ll set up multiple tables outside loaded with items marked down up to 40%. Don’t miss this opportunity for great savings on beautiful, handcrafted items! Jewelry, accessories, […]

How Sweet It Is…to be Supported by You

Thank you in advance of considering a donation to Guilford Art Center during the Great Give. All of the promotions officially start May 3, but you can actually give now HERE. Your support enables our mission … to provide high quality arts experiences to the community in the form of classes, gallery exhibits, events and […]

We’re Counting the Minutes – Great Give Starts Soon

The Great Give is right around the corner! This event is a unique opportunity to unite our community around causes in which we truly believe and help nonprofit organizations connect to the larger community. On May 3-4, visit and make a donation to Guilford Art Center. All giving will end at 8:00PM on May […]